The reason why I love my house as much as I do is because of all the character it has: the many corners, the
funky roof lines from with inside. When it came to obtaining a table for the newly remodeled dining room, I wanted something with equal character. Last night I picked up the table that I had Dennis at
Brave New Wood build out of reclaimed timbers. I don't think this table could have any more
character, and it really looks like it's 100 years old - just the way I wanted it. I also really like how the
feet turned out. All that cutting and template making was worth it.
Now I just need to get a
chandelier and some
chairs and the dining room's a

Gartsl loves the Dining Room Table. Looks to last through the millenium.It is a perfect fit.
oh it's so great! good job!
Pretty sure I couldn't love that table more!! We have a similar one but not made out of OLD timber. Love that. Looks great!
I agree with you about the legs. i like that you chose to put the legs on the bottom of the table instead of the top.
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