
Monday, April 09, 2007

My Favorite Chair In The Whole Wide World

This last Friday, I had the day off and what a perfect day to not be in the office. I woke up earlier than I have in months, in anticipation of the near 80° weather and bright sunshine. Even after the hike up to Mt. Tabor, both Scully and I were well overheated. I can't speak for Scully but I already miss the rain.

I made full use of the day and at the end of it, got out the outdoor furniture for a fresh coat of oil. I never though I would enjoy this Adirondack chair as much as I have in the last few years I've had it, but the placement next to the waterfall, along with space to throw the ball for Scully makes it pretty difficult not to love it.

Check out the birds eye view:


  1. Did you say 80 degrees!!!!! I am so jealous! Just today we had to purchase more wood for our woodburning stove.It is 38 degrees here in Wisconsin.

  2. Don't worry!!! You'll get your 80 degrees soon!!!

  3. Anonymous9:03 PM

    Your rock pond is simply lovely. Did you build it yourself?!?!

  4. Kathryn-
    Thank you! Yes, I did build it myself. It was daunting at first, but in retrospect it was actually fairly easy and definately do-able.
    Check out the "waterfall" link on the sidebar on my blog. It shows a step by step building of it.
