
Saturday, November 18, 2006

Fall View From The Balcony

Not much to say, just a picture of a japanese maple "on fire" from the view off the balcony in the back. This only happens for about 72 hours a year.

I like the deep orange color against the gray, purplish sky.


  1. Anonymous7:53 AM

    Gorgeous! We have no color left in Northern Colorado. I loved the picture of your lab with the wood splinter on his nose. That was classic.

  2. Hi Ducie-
    Yes, I love that picture too. I find myself going back to that post frequently. She's such a great dog with such a fun personality.

  3. Anonymous10:06 AM

    Wow, beautiful! My japanese maple was bright red, but then I left for Florida and came back to not a single on ANY of our trees or shrubs.

  4. Anonymous10:55 PM

    You make 72 hours sound like not much time at all. I just set my neigbor's maple tree on fire and it went up in, like, 30 minutes.

  5. Sparky- Did you spend this evening with Seamus McMurphy?
